5 Aspects to Consider Before Choosing a Linux VPS Plan


With the growing importance of having an online presence, businesses are queueing up to build a good website and host it on a reliable hosting platform. Shared Hosting has been the choice of beginners and small websites. However, the benefits of Shared Hosting might not be enough for a dynamic, high-traffic website. While Dedicated Hosting is the other end of the spectrum, it might be highly expensive and unnecessary for certain businesses and websites.

This is where VPS Hosting comes into the picture. VPS Server Hosting is the perfect juxtaposition of the security and isolation of a Dedicated Server with the cost of Shared Hosting. The server virtualization of a VPS Server entails the creation of several virtual servers on top of a single physical server. Even though there is a single server involved, websites hosted on VPS Servers work in total isolation and are allocated dedicated resources.

There are plenty of server providers offering a range of VPS Hosting plans. As not all plans are the same or not all offer the same set of features, it is important to be cautious when making a choice.


How To Select The Right Linux VPS Plan

While there could be multiple things, here are five different factors every business owner must consider when selecting a Linux VPS Hosting plan.

  1. The Hosting Resources – RAM, Dis Space and Bandwidth: The allocated RAM size is very crucial when it comes to Linux VPS Hosting. In order to handle 2000 visitors per day, the RAM size of a minimum of 1GB is required. Before choosing a particular plan, it is important to note the total RAM size and pick the one that fits the requirement best. Another thing that every website owner must take into consideration is the amount of disk space offered. Depending upon the data to be stored on the server, one must pick the right plan. Even the smallest website needs at least 300GB of bandwidth. Selecting a plan that offers lesser bandwidth disrupts the functionality of the website. It is advised to determine the need and then make a choice.
  2. Scalability: Every hosting plan must include the features of scalability. Even though the other factors are selected, keeping in mind the requirements, it might happen that the website traffic rises beyond expectations. Under such a situation, the hosting plan must include the option of scaling resources to ensure that the website doesn’t stop.
  3. Root Access: Complete authorized administrator access to the server is a USP of VPS Server Hosting. Root access accords you the ease and authority to manage and modify the server. It also allows the user to install compatible applications and software as per their specific requirement. Thus, for better access to your server setup, choose a VPS Hosting plan that offers full root access.
  4. Additional software and applications: Most VPS Hosting providers take great efforts to ensure high performance and better management of your website. Thus, they offer multiple additions like caching solutions, CDN, pre-integrated cPanel, free SSL, SSD storage, etc. with their VPS plans. Carefully research these offerings and buy a plan that provides the add-ons you require.
  5. Performance Factors: Apart from the above, the website uptime, the monitoring and maintenance services, and the tech support offered are some influential factors, one must take into account before buying a VPS Hosting plan. Generally, an uptime of 99.9% and above should be considered. Also, select a provider that offers 24*7 dedicated customer service and tech support.

Final Word

Every VPS Hosting plan would have something better than others. But the first job of a website owner is to determine their own requirements. Based on the same requirements, assess the different VPS Hosting plans as offered by the service provider. Do let us know your experience with VPS and your respective hosting provider in the comments section below.