What Is Dedicated Web Hosting and How It Works?

dedicated web hosting

Dedicated web hosting is a type of web hosting service whose name says it all. Dedicated/dedication means devoted to a particular cause or purpose which indeed is the basic idea around which this type of web hosting service revolves.

dedicated web hosting

The basic question is how the dedicated web hosting service works. From gaming to web hosting all the dedicated servers require a central system for managing of the entire data in the data centers. This acts as a form of a control panel of the entire plan. The operating system used can be Windows or Linux. A ton of memory is required for bigger firms and this memory can take up a lot of space. They require to be running for 24/7 round the clock with a specific availability percentage. Availability percentage refers to a specific downtime that is experienced by all of us when browsing, when we often come across a message saying ‘server down, please try later’ or something like, ‘we are upgrading our servers at this time’, etc.

This unshared server over which the manager has entire control has various advantages over certain other types of hosting services such as shared hosting, cloud hosting etc. Among many other advantages it includes the benefits of advanced and improved performance, a higher stability and improved control. For an average person who has never been introduced to this type of knowledge let me explain what I mean by improved performance here. Basically improved and better performance means that the resources such as power memory and disk space are only used by you and no one else, which means that the simple web page you open from your browser will load considerably faster than other web pages which have hosted their website using other types of web hosting (in Danish the term is webhotel). Moreover, having entire control means that one has complete control over how they define their own laws to run the server. The point to be made here is that higher security and greater reliability are among the chief features of a dedicated web hosting service. Furthermore you can set up your own firewalls and can configure the entire plan according to your needs. Also you can upgrade more memory and add more processors as per the need of the hour, unlike other servers in which you are only set a limit to a limited amount of space.

However, such gains don’t come at the cost of nothing. Dedicated web hosted servers are very expensive to set up since they require everything to be personally owned which might hinder one to go forward with them. Secondly they require highly professionals to operate them, which again means one hesitates in choosing them. Basically a person is supposed to have applications to work their programs. In a dedicated server the manager has to make their applications themselves which results in a lack of additional features. Considering both sides of the page, all sites which require a lot of traffic such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. use dedicated servers because of their huge advantages.