Titanium Wedding Rings – Alternative to Gold Rings?

Titanium Wedding Rings

Buying wedding rings is one of the crucial decisions that people experience. Most of the people consider gold rings as the wedding rings because they do not know there are alternative available like titanium wedding rings. Most importantly, these rings could be the best option because of some of its features such as it is cheaper, not-allergic to human body, classic and contemporary look, can be engraved, resized and available in all shops. Earlier, people might have never heard of this metal ring but nowadays it is the hottest selling jewelry in the famous jewelry shops. People who compare platinum, gold and titanium usually end up with selecting titanium wedding rings.

Titanium Wedding Rings

Here are some incredible features that set this ring apart from other metal rings.


It has been found that many people buying watch, rings or earrings suffer from allergic reaction. Indeed, even gold made rings or jewelry cause allergic reactions to the human skin. Titanium metal is inert, will not react to human skin. It is highly durable and non-allergic to human tissues. Therefore, this feature makes it the best option for wedding rings.


Buying gold and platinum rings are a pricey option. Thus, if you want to afford costly wedding rings, you can surely opt for those; otherwise you can choose the best alternative equally elegant and beautiful but available at very affordable rate, titanium wedding rings. Titanium metals have not ever seen such kind of drastic hike in price hence it is available almost half of the price of other metal rings.


Undoubtedly, when it comes to durability, titanium outperforms other metal rings because it is highly durable material. This material is often used for submarine and airplane components because of its sturdiness, durability and resistance to dent. However, scratches are possible. Another important feature is that it is resistant to sea water and other corrosive elements. Thus, the wearer of titanium wedding rings can wear it all the day long without having fear of damaging it. Keep these rings for lifetime.

Design choices:

Nowadays, people who are getting married do not want to go with the traditional wedding rings of gold. Indeed, gold rings are good but too boring. On the other hand, titanium wedding rings unlike the gold allow creative and unique designs of rings. Rings with inlays are quite popular among people as they can have gold inlay, Tiger’s eye inlay and more in their titanium rings. They are available in different designs, style that finally complements the personality of wearer.

Overall, it is all about how you can choose the best jeweler to purchase these rings. The best way to get your ring is online stores where you can compare prices and designs before you choose the best one. There are number of online stores that provide wide range of titanium rings to choose from. Thus, above mentioned features of these rings make it one of the best options wedding rings.