There are several reasons why someone might give you a gift. You might get a gift for your birthday. You might get a gift for an accomplishment. You might get a gift because of the holidays. There are also probably several people you have in your life that you think might deserve one. You have friends, family, and even coworkers. Now consider these three groups of people, do you think they would prefer a personalized gift with sentimental value? Or an expensive gift that has no thought?
People You Know
When you are buying for family and friends it’s putting the thought into it that counts. The best way to ensure this is a personalized gift rather than something random bought from the store. Why is this important? Well when you purchase an expensive item with no thought, it doesn’t communicate to the receiver of the gift that you know them or that it is anything special. The only time this might not be the case is when the person receiving such a gift knows you went through a lot to get it, such as having to wait in line hours or days.
It’s The Thought That Counts
When you get a gift that is personalized it shows that you really care. It shows that you really thought hard about what you were going to get for the person and this is going to show in the gift. People are going to know you truly care and this is going to be far more valuable then the gift itself. Sure, you can go out and buy a person a car, expensive jewelry, or you can get them expensive electronics. These things cost a lot of money, but that is usually the only investment you have to make. What does this say?
Now there are going to be some people who might not care about personalized gifts. There might be some people who will measure how much you care about them based on how much money you are willing to spend. These are the types of people who associate money spent with caring, and if you do not spend a lot they feel you think they are not worth it or that you really do not care enough to spend the money. Do not worry about this, instead focus on personalization and really getting a point across.
Why Is It Important?
You get someone a personalized gift because you want them to treasure it, to hold it dear. You want them to look at it and remember the message you were trying to send. You want someone to know that you invested time, energy, as well as money into making sure they know you really care. Gifts such as gift cards and other basic items just do not do it, even when there is a thoughtful card attached. A gift that did not take any real time or thought is going to hurt someone far more than in the case of the person who see money spend as a sign of how much you care.
Personalized gifts equal effort, and this can be seen by the receiver as a sign of how much effort you would put into anything concerning them. What if the person got sick? What if the person has a serious life crisis? What if there is a moment where all the person needs is your time and to know that you care? Personalized gifts symbolize that you will be there for a person however or whenever they need you. Something to remember the next time you go gift shopping for friends and family.
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Nina Edwards loves her shopping, when she isn’t moonlighting as a writer she currently works for Spencer Thorne a company selling a wide range of unusual gifts.