8 Tips for Pool Safety

Troon_Mountain_Luxury_Home_510x346Are you ready to hop into the pool and cool off? Follow these 7 safety tips to enjoy your day without getting hurt.

Beware Lightning

During warm summer months lightning can pose a serious threat to any person swimming in a pool. Keep an eye to the sky is you see grey, threatening clouds building on the horizon. Take these storms seriously to avoid a potential catastrophe in the swimming pool. Get out of the pool immediately once you see lightning in the distance or heavy thunderstorm clouds by your location.

Use Pool Nets

If you want to keep your pets or kids out of the pool when not around pool nets provide safety for any unsupervised beings. Purchase a net well before swimming season to be prepared for days when you cannot watch your children or pets.

Store a First Aid Kit by the Pool

Avoid big injuries by preparing for the smaller, minor injuries which take place in a pool setting. Bruises and bumps are bound to occur whether you scratch your legs on a roughly surfaced ladder or sprain your ankle after jumping into the pool. Having cleaning pads, antibiotic ointment and bandages handy can help you treat anybody who needs assistance after suffering through a minor injury.

Apply Sunscreen

Even though you will be chilling in a pool the sun still beats down on your body. Avoid sunburn or its more dangerous cousin sun poisoning by applying a liberal amount of sunscreen to your body before taking a dip in your pool. Using sunscreen can protect you from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Even if you are outside for a few minutes you need to apply sunblock to avoid getting burned. Buy a high quality SPF of 30 or more to fully block the sun’s rays. Apply sunscreen every 1 to 2 hours to ensure full coverage for the entire day. Purchase a waterproof version for days spent at the pool or ocean. Just try a small test application to see if you are allergic to sunscreen cream or oil.

Slow Down

Water tends to accumulate around the area outside of a swimming pool so avoid running or even jogging when entering your pool to avoid serious injury. Slick surfaces can create an ice-like effect, leading to a nasty spill and perhaps broken bones if you are particularly unlucky. Take your time when climbing or walking down your pool ladder to stay safe.

Swim Under Supervision

Even if you are an adult consider swimming with someone else in the vicinity. Whether you suffer leg cramps or some other malady which incapacitates you being all alone while swimming can lead to potentially tragic results. If you are letting your children use the pool always supervise your kids to make sure they are staying safe. Only swim at public pools with lifeguard supervision. Seasoned swimmers can have mishaps. Do not let your ego get in the way of your safety.

Small Can Still Be Dangerous

Contrary to popular belief a hot tub or inflatable pool can be just as dangerous as a built in pool which runs 10 feet deep. Keep an eye on your kids and follow the same safety rules as those you would obey in a larger, deeper pool.


Everybody loves to have a good time in the pool. Kids can get rowdy and grown ups might be a little silly too after enjoying their preferred adult beverage. Always keep in mind that going overboard and acting irresponsibly can lead to injury. Relax and enjoy your day in the pool to be safe.

About the Author: Ryan Biddulph helps you avoid injury in the pool by providing safety tips.