Home Improvement

Get More Life Out of Fine Rugs With A Maintenance System

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Steps to Maintain Rugs

Most rugs get a great deal of use throughout their lifetime. One way to extend the lifespan of fine rugs is to maintain them properly. There are several steps that need to be followed in order to maintain rugs.

*Use a Foyer Rug:

Use a foyer rug in front of each door that leads to the outside, or other areas with a large amount of dirt, such as the garage. This will encourage family members and guests to clean the bottoms of the their shoes the best they can before entering the rest of the home. These rugs should have a short enough pile so that it is easy for dirt to be removed from shoes with vigorous rubbing.

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*Remove Shoes Indoors:

Family members can be taught to remove their shoes when they come into the home. In fact, many families have a long established rule that all family member remove their shoes upon entering the home. Some people also have their guests take off their shoes as well. This depends on the comfort level of both the host and the guest. Cozy slippers or warm socks can be provided for guests to wear if they desire to do so.

*Vacuum Regularly:

In spite of the best efforts of the homeowner, dirt and debris tracked in from outside is often deposited on the rugs scattered throughout the home. Vacuuming on a regular basis helps ensure these items are not ground into the fibers of fine rugs. Failing to vacuum on a regular basis can mean dirt is worked down the fibers of the rug and into the padding. At this point, it can be difficult to remove it with vacuuming alone.

*Spot Clean:

Inevitably, spills and mishaps will occur, even on fine rugs. The secret to ensuring a spill does not turn into a stain is to act quickly. By mopping up the spill as soon as it occurs, and treating the spot with the appropriate spot remover, most stains can be avoided. It is important not to rub the spot as it is being mopped up as that may inadvertently grind the stain further into the fibers of the rug. When spot cleaning, do not soak the spot with cleaner as that can often cause the stain to spread. In addition, if the rug is too wet, it could be difficult to dry it thoroughly making it more likely to attract more dirt.

*Have Fine Rugs Professionally Cleaned:

Professionals who specialize in Baltimore rug cleaning know how to treat fine rugs with care using gentle yet effective cleaners. Even the best maintenance system will allow some dirt and debris to remain in the fibers of the rug. Having fine rugs cleaned at least once a year is an ideal place to begin. For those rugs that are in high traffic areas, rug cleaning Baltimore might be necessary more often.

Using fine rugs in a home is an investment of time, love and money. By taking the time to clean them properly, these beautifully made rugs can give years of enjoyment, comfort and style.

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