How to Save Yourself Headaches While Packing and Moving

movingtruckMoving out of one’s home is always an involved process, but you can reduce the complications involved by following a few tips on how to prepare properly.

More Than Just Boxes

Cardboard boxes are essential to packing up a house properly, but they are only a starting point. Check to see what containers you can find at your local retailer or moving company. For breakable items like dishes, it may be best to go with specific storage bins.

Label Boxes Clearly

Make sure that it’s easy to tell what’s in each container. You can use stick-on labels to indicate what’s in each container and, if it makes it easier, write what room it’s headed for as well. You may also prefer to write directly on boxes, especially the cardboard ones you will probably throw out later.

Get Lots of Packing Paper

Newspapers are easy to come by, especially if you subscribe. Save your papers to fill your boxes, ensuring that the items inside do not become damaged in transit. Ask friends to save their papers as well, and you should have more than enough in a week or two.

Don’t Make More Work For Yourself

Try not to get carried away in the packing process by taking everything out of its respective receptacles. For instance, if you have drawers filled with folded clothes, just move the whole dresser, securing the drawers with tape. Same goes for silverware and other items that are already in containers of sorts in your home.

Out With the Books

It’s difficult for bookworms to part with their tomes, but moving boxes of books is a hassle, both in terms of straining the muscles and finding a place to put the books later. Reduce the books to just the favorites and donate the rest to a library sale, a thrift shop or a bookish friend.

Pack Electronics With Care

The best packaging should be reserved for electronics, since they are so expensive and breakable. Wrap each part separately and label clearly, putting lots of blankets and other soft materials in the containers to serve as padding.

Leave One Room for Packing

If you keep the packing activities to one room, you will have less risk of accidents such as tripping or breaking windows in the packing process. You don’t want to be dealing with replacement windows while you’re trying to move. Close the room off, and you can go about your daily life elsewhere in the house.

Invite Friends Over to Help Pack

Have a packing party, and also have one area where you put items you no longer want. Invite the friends who come to help to take their pick of the second-hand goodies. It’s also a good idea to have friends over to celebrate when you are moving in.

Pick Reputable Movers

Finally, you don’t have to go it alone. Find movers and storage experts like self storage King of Prussia to safely move and store your belongings as you make this important transition.

Image Credit: phil_g