Must-have Dressing Items in a Business Woman’s Wardrobe

A woman holding a powerful position in the business arena needs to exude a charismatic personality. One of the best ways to achieve that is to invest in a power wardrobe. It is no doubt that the kind of clothes you wear speaks volumes about your personality and it plays a vital role in creating a first impression in the minds of the others. Some of the essential clothing every professional woman must have in her wardrobe is discussed below:

Black Dress

A business woman’s wardrobe would seem incomplete without having a LBD (little black dress); it is a classic dress piece that suits all kinds of formal occasions. It is also one of the most versatile types of business dress. You can wear it as it is or you can add a jacket to add extra bit of glamour and elegance to your looks.

Straight Skirt

Skirts are an essential part of business dressing among professional women. Having a perfectly fitting straight skirt in your wardrobe would help you be prepared to go out anytime without having to spend too much time on choosing the right wardrobe. They key to having a good skirt in the wardrobe is to ensure that the skirt is well sewn and is well lined so that it goes well with the color pallet of your wardrobe.

Jeans or Pants

For every professional woman it is essential that they have a few pairs of pants or jeans that they can mix and match with their jackets. It is best advised that you have a selection of jeans and formal trousers in solid colors. Make sure that you pair your jeans or pants with your jackets and get a dressier look without being too formal.


Once you have the basic essentials in your wardrobe to get a professional look, you can invest in buying a few pair of jackets that would match-up with your bottoms including skirts and pant suits. A jacket works wonders in providing you an air of power and authority. While buying jackets make sure that you find a jacket that fits your body well and you would always have a feeling of being in authority.


Shoes are an integral part of the woman’s wardrobe. Typically, people consider shoes as the yardstick for judging the professionalism of the person. Having a few pairs of elegant, formal shoes in your wardrobe is a great way to ensure that your wear your formal look at all times. Make sure that the length of the heels is according to your health; ideally having a shoes with heels upto 3 inches is perfect.

Good undergarments

Not many people realize the importance of wearing a good undergarment. An ill fitting under garment can have a significant impact on your overall appearance. Unless, you have a perfect body, it is important that investing in having a good and well-fitting underwear including panties, bras and hose. If you are looking for tips on buying business clothes visiting would greatly help you. You can also visit