Home Improvement

Child’s Play: Childproofing the Home

Childproofing the House

The adventures of having a baby are both stressful and rewarding at the same time. While it is amazing to watch them grow and become mobile, it naturally leads to new worries. Parents then keep a watchful eye on these new explorers of the world (or the kitchen) and strive to make sure they do not bump into sharp corners or find their way into places they do not belong. Here are some useful tips to childproof a home, and ensure a safe existence for little wanderers.

Childproofing the House

One of the first things a parent can do is get low and have a ‘baby-eyes’ view of the home. What would look interesting and reachable to an infant? Take good note of the entire layout, and make mental preparations to make subtle changes that can protect small, mobile babies. One important task is covering up electrical outlets. Instead of simply using plastic covers, which can easily end up off and in a baby’s mouth, replace them with sliding outlets.

A childproofing staple is gates. Using gates can effectively keep infants in certain areas while a parent may go in the backyard or upstairs without fear or worry. Parents should make sure all gates that are used are up to date and cannot potentially cause harm to their child. Making sure all chords for curtains or blinds are out of reach is essential also. There are many cases of children becoming entangled in these chords, and it is imperative that parents make sure they cannot come within reach of infants. Tying them off is a simple solution to this issue.

While taking care of any chords, take note of doors and windows that may be accessible to small children. Use door stops and window guards to ensure infants do not get their little hands caught between tight places, or fall from a window (window screens do not provide sufficient support).

Another tip for childproofing is guards for cabinet doors and drawers. This can help prevent more mobile children from accidentally reaching into a knife drawer, or find medicine in the bathroom cabinet. Keep all dangerous objects that could hard or poison infants out arms reach, high enough so only adults can grab them.

General safety should also be used. Do not let babies around a bathtub unattended. Keep fire and carbon monoxide detectors up to date and spread throughout the house. Also, have a safety plan in case of fire or other unforeseen circumstance. By being prepared, many injuries can be prevented.

When having a baby or small infant in the house, it is important to take precaution. By using these tips, parents and loved ones can help prevent unfortunate accidents from happening to their children.

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