Giving birth to a child is an experience that no woman can express in words but there many women who are unable to conceive naturally for a number of reasons. In spite of having to react normally to their condition and hope for an alternative and logical solution to their barrenness, these women suffer from a number of distressing emotions. In a number of cases, the relationship that these women have with their spouses and partners comes under tremendous stress because of the misguided opinions of their family members. Moreover, these childless women and their spouses also have to put up with the stigma that society places on them. In such a situation, only reputed fertility clinics like Cha Fertility Center can offer such childless couple a ray of hope in their endeavor to start a family.
From the time of its inception in 2001, Cha Fertility Center has been the first choice of a vast majority of childless couple in Los Angeles and the world when comes to fulfilling their dreams of having children. The Cha IVF fertility treatments that this unique fertility clinic provides are a class apart from its competitors and have assisted many barren woman experience motherhood. In 2002, Cha Fertility Center established the world’s first commercial egg bank and set the benchmark for other fertility clinics to follow.
The reputed fertility experts at Cha Fertility Center explain that infertility in young couples may due many reasons like the ovulation disorders, uterine abnormalities, a blockage or damage to the fallopian tubes and endometriosis in women. In men, the causes of infertility are usually because of irregular sperm production or functioning, problems with the sperm delivery, exposure to chemicals or radiation during chemotherapy. However, there are cases where it is not possible to identify the causes of infertility among childless couples.
The fertility experts at Cha Fertility Center further emphasis that in vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the most common medical procedures used for the treatment of infertility. Like normal fertilization, it involves combining of the male’s sperm and female’s eggs but under laboratory conditions and the procedure bypasses the fallopian tubes. In vitro fertilization enhances the ability of the childless couple to have a biological child of their own. Moreover, this medical procedure is the ideal way of finding a way around the issue of infertility for the childless couple without undergoing any major surgery.
Under in vitro fertilization (IVF), the medical treatment need not necessarily restricted to the mother of the baby and it is possible to use surrogate carriers. The patients who undergo this medical treatment for their infertility have greater control over when they want their baby to be born. Moreover, the probability of the childless couple having a healthy baby is higher in this medical procedure than any other treatment for infertility. Likewise, there is a limited chance of the mother having a miscarriage. In the field of assisted reproduction treatment, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has the highest success rate of a woman giving birth to a healthy baby.
To know more about the advantages of in vitro fertilization contact the Cha IVF experts a Cha Fertility Center today!